Welcome to Two Studio Art

Welcome to my blog. I am an artist living in two places therefore the name Two Studio Art. I normally paint in oil but I also enjoy working with pastels. A recent trend in painting is to paint in a small format and to paint often to improve one's skills. While I'm not a daily painter (too many other commitments) I try to paint at least once or twice a week. I recently started painting in plein air and find it a way to really connect with the colors seen in the environment. I am an instructor at Blue Raven Studio in Kayenta at Ivins, Utah where I teach a class at Canvas a la Carte. I also show my work at Blue Raven so stop by and take a look at the paintings that I don't get posted on my blog. I hope you enjoy your visit and return often.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

"Gila on Cactus" and "Rufus the Rangy Rooster"

While it is always nice to sell a painting, I enjoy donating my art to worthy causes if they can raise some money for the organization at a fundraiser. Such was the case last night. We attended the Heart Walk Foundation auction to aid the Q'ero Indians of Peru. The foundation has no paid employees and are not affiliated with any religious organization. They truly work from the heart and their only mission is to aid this dieing culture by providing services to help them survive. I was proud to offer "Gila on Cactus" for their auction. My hope is that the proceeds from the sale of this pastel will further the Heart Walk Foundation's mission. To learn more about the Heart Walk Foundation, visit their web site at www.heartwalkfoundation.org/index.php

On another note I will be teaching another class at Canvas a la Carte. We will paint Rufus the Rangy Rooster. Join us at Blue Raven on March 17th for lots of fun.